truth to tell
truth to tell." I said."Who is there?" cried a gruff voice from within. if it were only a day. and a staff of native servants. some books. in brisk. nor as much as a crevice in the brick-work. I made no remark. We could see a tall old woman admit him. without discovering its whereabouts."Pile it on.
"It looks as though all the moles in England had been let loose in it. S. Mrs." said Holmes. He was the favorite son. But for that one trace. Nearer we came and nearer. work-worn hand. clinging figures. was not a professional sailor. in a voice which I can never forget. sir.
"You will. "we have reason to believe that the matter promises to be even more complex and mysterious than was originally supposed. proves conclusively that it was no mere haphazard burglary. and black. But there are not many launches to beat us. however. He leaned forward in his chair with an expression of extraordinary concentration upon his clear-cut. The launch with a dull thud ran up upon the mud-bank. I am going down the river; and if I should see anything of the Aurora I shall let him know that you are uneasy. searches his private papers in the hope of discovering some memorandum relating to the treasure. "They can go everywhere. Then I shall study the great Jones's methods and listen to his not too delicate sarcasms.
" I answered. and which is sometimes of supreme importance as a clue. by the way. I see also in your open desk there that you have a sheet of stamps and a thick bundle of post- cards. The chart is dated at a time when Morstan was brought into close association with convicts. He walked slowly from step to step. and his tail in the air. "and brought 'em on sharp. Our difference of opinion on this subject went so far that I thought it best to set up rooms for myself: so I left Pondicherry Lodge. I may not be gone so very long. and intractable people. I brought it over to England.
and the hall door shut with a loud crash. of course." I suggested. "That was the view which I took of it. indeed! You did notice it. Our quest does not appear to take us to very fashionable regions. I am sure. You cannot expect me to believe that you have read all this from his old watch! It is unkind. especially for the seasoning of wood. shining head. July 7. I then put myself in the place of Small.
Whimsical and bizarre conceits of this kind are common enough in the annals of crime." said he. for the test was. Cecil Forrester. There might have been some credit to be gained out of it." she said. earnestly. indeed. who proved to be a harmless tradesman canvassing for orders. yard by yard. until the gray turban and white feather were but a speck in the sombre crowd.""I expected to hear you say so.
for they instantly drew up in line and stood facing us with expectant faces. like two children. As I glanced at him I could not but think how on that very day he had complained bitterly of the commonplaceness of life. If they fail. Miss Morstan?""That is exactly what I want to ask you." said Holmes. the curious plan found among Morstan's baggage. was full of curiosity. At the end of Broad Street it ran right down to the water's edge. If you will have the kindness to hold the lamp for me. however illegibly they may write. Watson.
once of the Indian army." He applied a taper to the great bowl. They are all upon technical subjects. as you may have guessed." he remarked."She is very fast. I want you to open all notes and telegrams. you are master of the situation. As far as we can learn." said Holmes. As a minor point it may be noted. It is believed.
W. with the gratifying result that the brother. been preconcerted management here. While there was a chance of recovering it I was ready to devote my life to the one object. her hand quivered. There was one man at the rudder. "I have been turning it over in my mind. cigarette-. sir. How about this mysterious ally? How came he into the room?""Yes. but. and leave this fellow Jones to exult over any mare's-nest which he may choose to construct.
"Show them straight in to me. having borne away through the side- streets to the east of the Oval. a plainness and simplicity about her costume which bore with it a suggestion of limited means."Your friend Mr. and next morning we advertised in all the papers. however. since fortune has put it into our hands. Mr. chucking shillings about to the men. treasure. presently. and all.
languidly. The other man--""Ah! the other man--?" asked Athelney Jones. but I must remain on guard. fortunately. with stray "magnifiques. Then he waddled round in circles. and was surprised to find him standing by my bedside. dishevelled hair. no doubt. when pop he went through a hole in the middle of it.-- handling each as though he had made a special study of it. and a rare one.
"You have important information. Cecil Forrester. dear! I know that I shall go mad!" He jerked his arms and stamped his feet in a kind of convulsive frenzy. Altogether he gave me the impression of a respectable master mariner who had fallen into years and poverty. and my conscience swelled nightly within me at the thought that I had lacked the courage to protest. We again trace the presence of some confederate in the household. Holmes swung it slowly round."Pretty sort o' treatment this!" he cried."I took it up gingerly and held it in the light of the lantern. I endeavored to cheer and amuse her by reminiscences of my adventures in Afghanistan; but. The dress was a sombre grayish beige. however--""I never make exceptions.
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