Monday, October 31, 2011

Chapter 3 Being Detectives

THE next thing that happened to us was very interesting. It was as real as the half‐crowns—not just pretending. I shall try to write it as like a real book as I can. Of course we have read Mr. Sherlock Holmes, as well as the yellow‐covered books with pictures outside that are so badly printed; and you get them for fourpence halfpenny at the bookstall when the corners of them are beginning to curl up and get dirty, with people looking to see how the story ends when they are waiting for trains. I think this is most unfair to the boy at the bookstall. The books are written by a gentleman named Gaboriau, and Albert’s uncle says they are the worst translations in the world—and written in vile English. Of course they’re not like Kipling, but they’re jolly good stories. And we had just been page: 32 reading a book by Dick Diddlington—that’s not his right name, but I know all about libel actions, so I shall not say what his name is really, because his books are rot. Only they put it into our heads to do what I am going to narrate.

It was in September, and we were not to go to the seaside because it is so expensive, even if you go to Sheerness, where it is all tin cans and old boots and no sand at all. But every one else went, even the people next door—not Albert’s side, but the other. Their servant told Eliza they were all going to Scarborough, and next day sure enough all the blinds were down and the shutters up, and the milk was not left any more. There is a big horse‐chestnut tree between their garden and ours, very useful for getting conkers out of and for making stuff to rub on your chilblains. This prevented our seeing whether the blinds were down at the back as well, but Dicky climbed to the top of the tree and looked, and they were.

It was jolly hot weather, and very stuffy indoors—we used to play a good deal in the garden. We made a tent out of the kitchen clothes‐horse and some blankets off our beds, and though it was quite as hot in the tent as page: 33 in the house it was a very different sort of hotness. Albert’s uncle called it the Turkish Bath. It is not nice to be kept from the seaside, but we know that we have much to be thankful for. We might be poor little children living in a crowded alley where even at summer noon hardly a ray of sunlight penetrates; clothed in rags and with bare feet—though I do not mind holes in my clothes myself, and bare feet would not be at all bad in this sort of weather. Indeed we do, sometimes, when we are playing at things which require it. It was shipwrecked mariners that day, I remember, and we were all in the blanket tent. We had just finished eating the things we had saved, at the peril of our lives, from the fast‐sinking vessel. They were rather nice things. Two pennyworth of cocoa‐nut candy—it was got in Greenwich, where it is four ounces a penny—three apples, some macaroni—the straight sort that is so useful to suck things through—some raw rice, and a large piece of cold suet pudding that Alice nicked from the larder when she went to get the rice and macaroni. And when we had finished some one said—

“I should like to be a detective.”

I wish to be quite fair, but I cannot remem‐ page: 34 ber exactly who said it. Oswald thinks he said it, and Dora says it was Dicky, but Oswald is too much of a man to quarrel about a little thing like that.

“I should like to be a detective,” said—perhaps it was Dicky, but I think not—“and find out strange and hidden crimes.”

“You have to be much cleverer than you are,” said H.O.

“Not so very,” Alice said, “because when you’ve read the books you know what the things mean: the red hair on the handle of the knife, or the grains of white powder on the velvet collar of the villain’s overcoat. I believe we could do it.”

“I shouldn’t like to have anything to do with murders,” said Dora; “somehow it doesn’t seem safe—”

“And it always ends in the poor murderer being hanged,” said Alice.

We explained to her why murderers have to be hanged, but she only said, “I don’t care. I’m sure no one would ever do murdering twice. Think of the blood and things, and what you would see when you woke up in the night! I shouldn’t mind being a detective to lie in wait for a gang of coiners, now, and spring upon them unawares, and secure them page: 35 —single‐handed, you know, or with only my faithful bloodhound.”

She stroked Pincher’s ears, but he had gone to sleep because he knew well enough that all the suet pudding was finished. He is a very sensible dog.

“You always get hold of the wrong end of the stick,” Oswald said. “You can’t choose what crimes you’ll be a detective about. You just have to get a suspicious circumstance, and then you look for a clue and follow it up. Whether it turns out a murder or a missing will is just a fluke.”

“That’s one way,” Dicky said. “Another is to get a paper and find two advertisements or bits of news that fit. Like this: ‘Young Lady Missing,’ and then it tells about all the clothes she had on, and the gold locket she wore, and the colour of her hair, and all that; and then in another piece of the paper you see, ‘Gold locket found,’ and then it all comes out.”

We sent H.O. for the paper at once, but we could not make any of the things fit in. The two best were about how some burglars broke into a place in Holloway where they made preserved tongues and invalid delicacies, and carried off a lot of them. And on another page: 36 page there was, “Mysterious deaths in Holloway.” Oswald thought there was something in it, and so did Albert’s uncle when we asked him, but the others thought not, so Oswald agreed to drop it. Besides, Holloway is a long way off. All the time we were talking about the paper Alice seemed to be thinking about something else, and when we had done she said—

“I believe we might be detectives ourselves, but I should not like to get anybody into trouble.”

“Not murderers or robbers?” Dicky asked.

“It wouldn’t be murderers,” she said; “but I have noticed something strange. Only I feel a little frightened. Let’s ask Albert’s uncle first.”

Alice is a jolly sight too fond of asking grown‐up people things. And we all said it was Tommy‐rot, and she was to tell us.

“Well, promise you won’t do anything without me,” Alice said, and we promised. Then she said—

“This is a dark secret, and any one who thinks it is better not to be involved in a career of crime‐discovery had better go away ere yet it be too late.”

So Dora said she had had enough of tents, page: 37 and she was going to look at the shops. H.O. went with her because he had twopence to spend. They thought it was only a game of Alice’s but Oswald knew by the way she spoke. He can nearly always tell. And when people are not telling the truth Oswald generally knows by the way they look with their eyes. Oswald is not proud of being able to do this. He knows it is through no merit of his own that he is much cleverer than some people.

When they had gone, the rest of us got closer together and said—

“Now then.”

“Well,” Alice said, “you know the house next door? The people have gone to Scarborough. And the house is shut up. But last night I saw a light in the windows.”

We asked her how and when, because her room is in the front, and she couldn’t possibly have seen. And then she said—

“I’ll tell you if you boys will promise not ever to go fishing again without me.”

So we had to promise. Then she said—

“It was last night. I had forgotten to feed my rabbits and I woke up and remembered it. And I was afraid I should find them dead in the morning, like Oswald did.”
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“It wasn’t my fault,” Oswald said; “there was something the matter with the beasts. I fed them right enough.”

Alice said she didn’t mean that, and she went on—

“I came down into the garden, and I saw a light in the house, and dark figures moving about. I thought perhaps it was burglars, but Father hadn’t come home, and Eliza had gone to bed, so I couldn’t do anything. Only I thought perhaps I would tell the rest of you.”

“Why didn’t you tell us this morning?” No?l asked. And Alice explained that she did not want to get any one into trouble, even burglars. “But we might watch to‐night,” she said, “and see if we see the light again.”

“They might have been burglars,” No?l said. He was sucking the last bit of his macaroni. “You know the people next door are very grand. They won’t know us—and they go out in a real private carriage sometimes. And they have an ‘At Home’ day, and people come in cabs. I daresay they have piles of plate and jewellery and rich brocades, and furs of price and things like that. Let us keep watch to‐night.”

“It’s no use watching to‐night,” Dicky said; “if it’s only burglars they won’t come page: 39 again. But there are other things besides burglars that are discovered in empty houses where lights are seen moving.”

“You mean coiners,” said Oswald at once. “I wonder what the reward is for setting the police on their track?”

Dicky thought it ought to be something fat, because coiners are always a desperate gang; and the machinery they make the coins with is so heavy and handy for knocking down detectives.

Then it was tea‐time, and we went in; and Dora and H.O. had clubbed their money together and bought a melon; quite a big one, and only a little bit squashy at one end. It was very good, and then we washed the seeds and made things with them and with pins and cotton. And nobody said any more about watching the house next door.

Only when we went to bed Dicky took off his coat and waistcoat, but he stopped at his braces, and said—

“What about the coiners?”

Oswald had taken off his collar and tie, and he was just going to say the same, so he said, “Of course I meant to watch, only my collar’s rather tight, so I thought I’d take it off first.”
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Dicky said he did not think the girls ought to be in it, because there might be danger, but Oswald reminded him that they had promised Alice, and that a promise is a sacred thing, even when you’d much rather not. So Oswald got Alice alone under pretence of showing her a caterpillar—Dora does not like them, and she screamed and ran away when Oswald offered to show it her. Then Oswald explained, and Alice agreed to come and watch if she could. This made us later than we ought to have been, because Alice had to wait till Dora was quiet and then creep out very slowly, for fear of the boards creaking. The girls sleep with their room‐door open for fear of burglars. Alice had kept on her clothes under her nightgown when Dora wasn’t looking, and presently we got down creeping past Father’s study, and out at the glass door that leads on to the veranda and the iron steps into the garden. And we went down very quietly, and got into the chestnut‐tree; and then I felt that we had only been playing what Albert’s uncle calls our favourite instrument—I mean the Fool. For the house next door was as dark as dark. Then suddenly we heard a sound—it came from the gate at the end of the garden. All the gardens have gates; they page: 41 lead into a kind of lane that runs behind them. It is a sort of back way, very convenient when you don’t want to say exactly where you are going. We heard the gate at the end of the next garden click, and Dicky nudged Alice so that she would have fallen out of the tree if it had not been for Oswald’s extraordinary presence of mind. Oswald squeezed Alice’s arm tight, and we all looked; and the others were rather frightened because really we had not exactly expected anything to happen except perhaps a light. But now a muffled figure, shrouded in a dark cloak, came swiftly up the path of the next door garden. And we could see that under its cloak the figure carried a mysterious burden. The figure was dressed to look like a woman in a sailor hat.

We held our breath as it passed under the tree where we were, and then it tapped very gently on the back door and was let in, and then a light appeared in the window of the downstairs back breakfast‐room. But the shutters were up.

Dicky said, “My eye!” and wouldn’t the others be sick to think they hadn’t been in this! But Alice didn’t half like it—and as she is a girl I do not blame her. Indeed, I page: 42 thought myself at first that perhaps it would be better to retire for the present, and return later with a strongly armed force.

“It’s not burglars,” Alice whispered; “the mysterious stranger was bringing things in, not taking them out. They must be coiners—and oh, Oswald!—don’t let’s! The things they coin with must hurt very much. Do let’s go to bed!”

But Dicky said he was going to see; if there was a reward for finding out things like this he would like to have the reward.

“They locked the back door,” he whispered, “I heard it go. And I could look in quite well through the holes in the shutters and be back over the wall long before they’d got the door open, even if they started to do it at once.”

There were holes at the top of the shutters the shape of hearts, and the yellow light came out through them as well as through the chinks of the shutters.

Oswald said if Dicky went he should, because he was the eldest; and Alice said, “If any one goes it ought to be me, because I thought of it.”

So Oswald said, “Well, go then”; and she said, “Not for anything!” And she begged page: 43 us not to, and we talked about it in the tree till we were all quite hoarse with whispering.

At last we decided on a plan of action.

Alice was to stay in the tree, and scream “Murder!” if anything happened. Dicky and I were to get down into the next garden and take it in turns to peep.

So we got down as quietly as we could, but the tree made much more noise than it does in the day, and several times we paused, fearing that all was discovered. But nothing happened.

There was a pile of red flower‐pots under the window and one very large one was on the window‐ledge. It seemed as if it was the hand of Destiny had placed it there, and the geranium in it was dead, and there was nothing to stop your standing on it—so Oswald did. He went first because he is the eldest, and though Dicky tried to stop him because he thought of it first it could not be, on account of not being able to say anything.

So Oswald stood on the flower‐pot and tried to look through one of the holes. He did not really expect to see the coiners at their fell work, though he had pretended to when we were talking in the tree. But if he had seen them pouring the base molten metal into tin page: 44 moulds the shape of half‐crowns he would not have been half so astonished as he was at the spectacle now revealed.

At first he could see little, because the hole had unfortunately been made a little too high, so that the eye of the detective could only see the Prodigal Son in a shiny frame on the opposite wall. But Oswald held on to the window‐frame and stood on tiptoe and then he saw.

There was no furnace, and no base metal, no bearded men in leathern aprons with tongs and things, but just a table with a table‐cloth on it for supper, and a tin of salmon and a lettuce and some bottled beer. And there on a chair was the cloak and the hat of the mysterious stranger, and the two people sitting at the table were the two youngest grown‐up daughters of the lady next door, and one of them was saying—

“So I got the salmon three‐halfpence cheaper, and the lettuces are only six a penny in the Broadway, just fancy! We must save as much as ever we can on our housekeeping money if we want to go away decent next year.”

And the other said, “I wish we could all go every year, or else—Really, I almost wish—”
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And all the time Oswald was looking Dicky was pulling at his jacket to make him get down and let Dicky have a squint. And just as she said “I almost,” Dicky pulled too hard and Oswald felt himself toppling on the giddy verge of the big flower‐pots. Putting forth all his strength our hero strove to recover his equi‐what’s‐its‐name, but it was now lost beyond recall.

“You’ve done it this time!” he said, then he fell heavily among the flower‐pots piled below. He heard them crash and rattle and crack, and then his head struck against an iron pillar used for holding up the next‐door veranda. His eyes closed and he knew no more.

Now you will perhaps expect that at this moment Alice would have cried “Murder!” If you think so you little know what girls are. Directly she was left alone in that tree she made a bolt to tell Albert’s uncle all about it and bring him to our rescue in case the coiner’s gang was a very desperate one. And just when I fell, Albert’s uncle was getting over the wall. Alice never screamed at all when Oswald fell, but Dicky thinks he heard Albert’s uncle say, “Confound those kids!” which would not have been kind or polite, so I hope he did not say it.
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The people next door did not come out to see what the row was. Albert’s uncle did not wait for them to come out. He picked up Oswald and carried the insensible body of the gallant young detective to the wall, laid it on the top, and then climbed over and bore his lifeless burden into our house and put it on the sofa in Father’s study. Father was out, so we needn’t have crept so when we were getting into the garden. Then Oswald was restored to consciousness, and his head tied up, and sent to bed, and next day there was a lump on his young brow as big as a turkey’s egg, and very uncomfortable.

Albert’s uncle came in next day and talked to each of us separately. To Oswald he said many unpleasant things about ungentlemanly to spy on ladies, and about minding your own business; and when I began to tell him what I had heard he told me to shut up, and altogether he made me more uncomfortable than the bump did.

Oswald did not say anything to any one, but next day, as the shadows of eve were falling, he crept away, and wrote on a piece of paper, “I want to speak to you,” and shoved it through the hole like a heart in the top of the next‐door shutters.
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And the youngest young lady put an eye to the heart‐shaped hole, and then opened the shutter and said “Well?” very crossly.

Then Oswald said—

“I am very sorry, and I beg your pardon. We wanted to be detectives, and we thought a gang of coiners infested your house, so we looked through your window last night. I saw the lettuce, and I heard what you said about the salmon being three‐halfpence cheaper, and I know it is very dishonourable to pry into other people’s secrets, especially ladies”, and I never will again if you will forgive me this once.”

Then the lady frowned and then she laughed, and then she said—

“So it was you tumbling into the flower‐pots last night? We thought it was burglars. It frightened us horribly. Why, what a bump on your poor head!”

And then she talked to me a bit, and presently she said she and her sister had not wished people to know they were at home, because—and then she stopped short and grew very red, and I said, “I thought you were all at Scarborough; your servant told Eliza so. Why didn’t you want people to know you were at home?”
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The lady got redder still, and then she laughed and said—

“Never mind the reason why. I hope your head doesn’t hurt much. Thank you for your nice, manly little speech. You’ve nothing to be ashamed of, at any rate.” Then she kissed me, and I did not mind. And then she said, “Run away now, dear. I’m going to—I’m going to pull up the blinds and open the shutters, and I want to do it at once, before it gets dark, so that every one can see we’re at home, and not at Scarborough.”

Chapter 2 Digging For Treasure

I AM afraid the last chapter was rather dull. It is always dull in books when people talk and talk, and don’t do anything, but I was obliged to put it in, or else you wouldn’t have understood all the rest. The best part of books is when things are happening. That is the best part of real things too. This is why I shall not tell you in this story about all the days when nothing happened. You will not catch me saying, “thus the sad days passed slowly by”—or “the years rolled on their weary course”—or “time went on”—because it is silly; of course time goes on—whether you say so or not. So I shall just tell you the nice, interesting parts—and in between you will understand that we had our meals and got up and went to bed, and dull things like that. It would be sickening to page: 18 write all that down, though of course it happens. I said so to Albert‐next‐door’s uncle, who writes books, and he said, “Quite right, that’s what we call selection, a necessity of true art.” And he is very clever indeed. So you see.

I have often thought that if the people who write books for children knew a little more it would be better. I shall not tell you anything about us except what I should like to know about if I was reading the story and you were writing it. Albert’s uncle says I ought to have put this in the preface, but I never read prefaces, and it is not much good writing things just for people to skip. I wonder other authors have never thought of this.

Well, when we had agreed to dig for treasure we all went down into the cellar and lighted the gas. Oswald would have liked to dig there, but it is stone flags. We looked among the old boxes and broken chairs and fenders and empty bottles and things, and at last we found the spades we had to dig in the sand with when we went to the seaside three years ago. They are not silly, babyish, wooden spades, that split if you look at them, but good iron, with a blue mark across the top of the iron part, and yellow wooden handles. We wasted page: 19 a little time getting them dusted, because the girls wouldn’t dig with spades that had cobwebs on them. Girls would never do for African explorers or anything like that, they are too beastly particular.

It was no use doing the thing by halves. We marked out a sort of square in the mouldy part of the garden, about three yards across, and began to dig. But we found nothing except worms and stones—and the ground was very hard.

So we thought we’d try another part of the garden, and we found a place in the big round flower bed, where the ground was much softer. We thought we’d make a smaller hole to begin with, and it was much better. We dug and dug and dug, and it was jolly hard work! We got very hot digging, but we found nothing.

Presently Albert‐next‐door looked over the wall. We do not like him very much, but we let him play with us sometimes, because his father is dead, and you must not be unkind to orphans, even if their mothers are alive. Albert is always very tidy. He wears frilly collars and velvet knickerbockers. I can’t think how he can bear to.

So we said, “Hullo!”
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And he said, “What are you up to?”

“We’re digging for treasure,” said Alice; “an ancient parchment revealed to us the place of concealment. Come over and help us. When we have dug deep enough we shall find a great pot of red clay, full of gold and precious jewels.”

Albert‐next‐door only sniggered and said, “What silly nonsense!” He cannot play properly at all. It is very strange, because he has a very nice uncle. You see, Albert‐next‐door doesn’t care for reading, and he has not read nearly so many books as we have, so he is very foolish and ignorant, but it cannot be helped, and you just have to put up with it when you want him to do anything. Besides, it is wrong to be angry with people for not being so clever as you are yourself. It is not always their faults.

So Oswald said, “Come and dig! Then you shall share the treasure when we’ve found it.”

But he said, “I shan’t—I don’t like digging—and I’m just going in to my tea.”

“Come along and dig, there’s a good boy,” Alice said. “You can use my spade. It’s much the best—”

So he came along and dug, and when once page: 21 he was over the wall we kept him at it, and we worked as well, of course, and the hole got deep. Pincher worked too—he is our dog and he is very good at digging. He digs for rats in the dustbin sometimes, and gets very dirty. But we love our dog, even when his face wants washing.

“I expect we shall have to make a tunnel,” Oswald said, “to reach the rich treasure.” So he jumped into the hole and began to dig at one side. After that we took it in turns to dig at the tunnel, and Pincher was most useful in scraping the earth out of the tunnel—he does it with his back feet when you say “Rats!” and he digs with his front ones, and burrows with his nose as well.

At last the tunnel was nearly a yard long, and big enough to creep along to find the treasure, if only it had been a bit longer. Now it was Albert’s turn to go in and dig, but he funked it.

“Take your turn like a man,” said Oswald—nobody can say that Oswald doesn’t take his turn like a man. But Albert wouldn’t. So we had to make him, because it was only fair.

“It’s quite easy,” Alice said. “You just crawl in and dig with your hands. Then page: 22 when you come out we can scrape out what you’ve done, with the spades. Come—be a man. You won’t notice it being dark in the tunnel if you shut your eyes tight. We’ve all been in except Dora—and she doesn’t like worms.”

“I don’t like worms neither.” Albert‐next‐door said this; but we remembered how he had picked a fat red and black worm up in his fingers and thrown it at Dora only the day before.

So we put him in.

But he would not go in head first, the proper way, and dig with his hands as we had done, and though Oswald was angry at the time, for he hates snivellers, yet afterwards he owned that perhaps it was just as well. You should never be afraid to own that perhaps you were mistaken—but it is cowardly to do it unless you are quite sure you are in the wrong.

“Let me go in feet first,” said Albert‐next‐door. “I’ll dig with my boots—I will truly, honour bright.”

So we let him get in feet first—and he did it very slowly and at last he was in, and only his head sticking out into the hole; and all the rest of him in the tunnel.
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“Now dig with your boots,” said Oswald; “and, Alice, do catch hold of Pincher, he’ll be digging again in another minute, and perhaps it would be uncomfortable for Albert if Pincher threw the mould into his eyes.”

You should always try to think of these little things. Thinking of other people’s comfort makes them like you. Alice held Pincher, and we all shouted, “Kick! dig with your feet, for all you’re worth!”

So Albert‐next‐door began to dig with his feet, and we stood on the ground over him, waiting—and all in a minute the ground gave way, and we tumbled together in a heap: and when we got up there was a little shallow hollow where we had been standing, and Albert‐next‐door was underneath, stuck quite fast, because the roof of the tunnel had tumbled in on him. He is a horribly unlucky boy to have anything to do with.

It was dreadful the way he cried and screamed, though he had to own it didn’t hurt, only it was rather heavy and he couldn’t move his legs. We would have dug him out all right enough, in time, but he screamed so we were afraid the police would come, so Dicky climbed over the wall, to tell the cook there to tell Albert‐next‐door’s uncle he page: 24 had been buried by mistake, and to come and help dig him out.

Dicky was a long time gone. We wondered what had become of him, and all the while the screaming went on and on, for we had taken the loose earth off Albert’s face so that he could scream quite easily and comfortably.

Presently Dicky came back and Albert‐next‐door’s uncle came with him. He has very long legs, and his hair is light and his face is brown. He has been to sea, but now he writes books. I like him.

He told his nephew to stow it, so Albert did, and then he asked him if he was hurt—and Albert had to say he wasn’t, for though he is a coward, and very unlucky, he is not a liar like some boys are.

“This promises to be a protracted if agreeable task,” said Albert‐next‐door’s uncle, rubbing his hands and looking at the hole with Albert’s head in it. “I will get another spade,” so he fetched the big spade out of the next‐door garden tool‐shed, and began to dig his nephew out.

“Mind you keep very still,” he said, “or I might chunk a bit out of you with the spade.” Then after a while he said—
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“I confess that I am not absolutely insensible to the dramatic interest of the situation. My curiosity is excited. I own that I should like to know how my nephew happened to be buried. But don’t tell me if you’d rather not. I suppose no force was used?”

“Only moral force,” said Alice. They used to talk a lot about moral force at the High School where she went, and in case you don’t know what it means I’ll tell you that it is making people do what they don’t want to, just by slanging them, or laughing at them, or promising them things if they’re good.

“Only moral force, eh?” said Albert‐next‐door’s uncle. “Well?”

“Well,” Dora said, “I’m very sorry it happened to Albert—I’d rather it had been one of us. It would have been my turn to go into the tunnel, only I don’t like worms, so they let me off. You see we were digging for treasure.”

“Yes,” said Alice, “and I think we were just coming to the underground passage that leads to the secret hoard, when the tunnel fell in on Albert. He is so unlucky,” and she sighed.
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Then Albert‐next‐door began to scream again, and his uncle wiped his face—his own face, not Albert’s—with his silk handkerchief, and then he put it in his trousers pocket. It seems a strange place to put a handkerchief, but he had his coat and waistcoat off and I suppose he wanted the handkerchief handy. Digging is warm work.

He told Albert‐next‐door to drop it, or he wouldn’t proceed further in the matter, so Albert stopped screaming, and presently his uncle finished digging him out. Albert did look so funny, with his hair all dusty and his velvet suit covered with mould and his face muddy with earth and crying.

We all said how sorry we were, but he wouldn’t say a word back to us. He was most awfully sick to think he’d been the one buried, when it might just as well have been one of us. I felt myself that it was hard lines.

“So you were digging for treasure,” said Albert‐next‐door’s uncle, wiping his face again with his handkerchief. “Well, I fear that your chances of success are small. I have made a careful study of the whole subject. What I don’t know about buried treasure is not worth knowing. And I never knew more page: 27 than one coin buried in any one garden—and that is generally—Hullo—what’s that?”

He pointed to something shining in the hole he had just dragged Albert out of. Oswald picked it up. It was a half‐crown. We looked at each other, speechless with surprise and delight, like in books.

“Well, that’s lucky, at all events,” said Albert‐next‐door’s uncle.

“Let’s see, that’s fivepence each for you.”

“It’s fourpence—something; I can’t do fractions,” said Dicky; “there are seven of us, you see.”

“Oh, you count Albert as one of yourselves on this occasion, eh?”

“Of course,” said Alice; “and I say, he was buried after all. Why shouldn’t we let him have the odd somethings, and we’ll have fourpence each.”

We all agreed to do this, and told Albert‐next‐door we would bring his share as soon as we could get the half‐crown changed. He cheered up a little at that, and his uncle wiped his face again—he did look hot—and began to put on his coat and waistcoat.

When he had done it he stooped and picked up something. He held it up, and you will page: 28 hardly believe it, but it is quite true—it was another half‐crown!

“To think that there should be two!” he said; “in all my experience of buried treasure I never heard of such a thing!”

I wish Albert‐next‐door’s uncle would come treasure‐seeking with us regularly; he must have very sharp eyes: for Dora says she was looking just the minute before at the very place where the second half‐crown was picked up from, and she never saw it.

Chapter 1 The Council Of Ways And Means

THIS is the story of the different ways we looked for treasure, and I think when you have read it you will see that we were not lazy about the looking.

There are some things I must tell before I begin to tell about the treasure‐seeking, because I have read books myself, and I know how beastly it is when a story begins, “‘Alas!’ said Hildegarde with a deep sigh, ‘we must look our last on this ancestral home’”—and then some one else says something—and you don’t know for pages and pages where the home is, or who Hildegarde is, or anything about it. Our ancestral home is in the Lewisham Road. It is semi‐detached page: 4 and has a garden, not a large one. We are the Bastables. There are six of us besides Father. Our Mother is dead, and if you think we don’t care because I don’t tell you much about her you only show that you do not understand people at all. Dora is the eldest. Then Oswald—and then Dicky. Oswald won the Latin prize at his preparatory school—and Dicky is good at sums. Alice and No?l are twins: they are ten, and Horace Octavius is my youngest brother. It is one of us that tells this story—but I shall not tell you which: only at the very end perhaps I will. While the story is going on you may be trying to guess, only I bet you don’t.

It was Oswald who first thought of looking for treasure. Oswald often thinks of very interesting things. And directly he thought of it he did not keep it to himself, as some boys would have done, but he told the others, and said—

“I’ll tell you what, we must go and seek for treasure: it is always what you do to restore the fallen fortunes of your House.”

Dora said it was all very well. She often says that. She was trying to mend a large hole in one of No?l’s stockings. He tore it on a nail when we were playing shipwrecked page: 5 mariners on top of the chicken‐house the day H.O. fell off and cut his chin: he has the scar still. Dora is the only one of us who ever tries to mend anything. Alice tries to make things sometimes. Once she knitted a red scarf for No?l because his chest is delicate, but it was much wider at one end than the other, and he wouldn’t wear it. So we used it as a pennon, and it did very well, because most of our things are black or grey since Mother died; and scarlet was a nice change. Father does not like you to ask for new things. That was one way we had of knowing that the fortunes of the ancient House of Bastable were really fallen. Another way was that there was no more pocket‐money—except a penny now and then to the little ones, and people did not come to dinner any more, like they used to, with pretty dresses, driving up in cabs—and the carpets got holes in them—and when the legs came off things they were not sent to be mended, and we gave up having the gardener except for the front garden, and not that very often. And the silver in the big oak plate‐chest that is lined with green baize all went away to the shop to have the dents and scratches taken out of it, and it never came back. We think Father page: 6 hadn’t enough money to pay the silver man for taking out the dents and scratches. The new spoons and forks were yellowy‐white, and not so heavy as the old ones, and they never shone after the first day or two.

Father was very ill after Mother died; and while he was ill his business‐partner went to Spain—and there was never much money afterwards. I don’t know why. Then the servants left and there was only one, a General. A great deal of your comfort and happiness depends on having a good General. The last but one was nice: she used to make jolly good currant puddings for us, and let us have the dish on the floor and pretend it was a wild boar we were killing with our forks. But the General we have now nearly always makes sago puddings, and they are the watery kind, and you cannot pretend anything with them, not even islands, like you do with porridge.

Then we left off going to school, and Father said we should go to a good school as soon as he could manage it. He said a holiday would do us all good. We thought he was right, but we wished he had told us he couldn’t afford it. For of course we knew.

Then a great many people used to come to the door with envelopes with no stamps on page: 7 them, and sometimes they got very angry, and said they were calling for the last time before putting it in other hands. I asked Eliza what that meant, and she kindly explained to me, and I was so sorry for Father.

And once a long, blue paper came; a policeman brought it, and we were so frightened. But Father said it was all right, only when he went up to kiss the girls after they were in bed they said he had been crying, though I’m sure that’s not true. Because only cowards and snivellers cry, and my Father is the bravest man in the world.

So you see it was time we looked for treasure and Oswald said so, and Dora said it was all very well. But the others agreed with Oswald. So we held a council. Dora was in the chair—the big dining‐room chair, that we let the fireworks off from, the Fifth of November when we had the measles and couldn’t do it in the garden. The hole has never been mended, so now we have that chair in the nursery, and I think it was cheap at the blowing‐up we boys got when the hole was burnt.

“We must do something,” said Alice, “because the exchequer is empty.” She rattled the money‐box as she spoke, and it page: 8 really did rattle because we always keep the bad sixpence in it for luck.

“Yes—but what shall we do?” said Dicky. “It’s so jolly easy to say let’s do something.” Dicky always wants everything settled exactly. Father calls him the Definite Article.

“Let’s read all the books again. We shall get lots of ideas out of them.” It was No?l who suggested this, but we made him shut up, because we knew well enough he only wanted to get back to his old books. No?l is a poet. He sold some of his poetry once—and it was printed, but that does not come in this part of the story.

Then Dicky said, “Look here. We’ll be quite quiet for ten minutes by the clock—and each think of some way to find treasure. And when we’ve thought we’ll try all the ways one after the other, beginning with the eldest.”

“I shan’t be able to think in ten minutes, make it half an hour,” said H.O. His real name is Horace Octavius, but we call him H.O. because of the advertisement, and it’s not so very long ago he was afraid to pass the hoarding where it says “Eat H.O.” in big letters. He says it was when he was a little boy, but I remember last Christmas but one, he woke in the middle of the night crying and page: 9 howling, and they said it was the pudding. But he told me afterwards he had been dreaming that they really had come to eat H.O., and it couldn’t have been the pudding, when you come to think of it, because it was so very plain.

Well, we made it half an hour—and we all sat quiet, and thought and thought. And I made up my mind before two minutes were over, and I saw the others had, all but Dora, who is always an awful time over everything. I got pins and needles in my leg from sitting still so long, and when it was seven minutes H.O. cried out—

“Oh, it must be more than half an hour!”

H.O. is eight years old, but he cannot tell the clock yet. Oswald could tell the clock when he was six.

We all stretched ourselves and began to speak at once, but Dora put up her hands to her ears and said—

“One at a time, please. We aren’t playing Babel.” (It is a very good game. Did you ever play it?)

So Dora made us all sit in a row on the floor, in ages, and then she pointed at us with the finger that had the brass thimble on. Her silver one got lost when the last General but page: 10 two went away. We think she must have forgotten it was Dora’s and put it in her box by mistake. She was a very forgetful girl. She used to forget what she had spent money on, so that the change was never quite right.

Oswald spoke first. “I think we might stop people on Blackheath—with crape masks and horse‐pistols—and say ‘Your money or your life! Resistance is useless, we are armed to the teeth’—like Dick Turpin and Claude Duval. It wouldn’t matter about not having horses, because coaches have gone out too.”

Dora screwed up her nose the way she always does when she is going to talk like the good elder sister in books, and said, “That would be very wrong: it’s like pickpocketing or taking pennies out of Father”s great‐coat when it’s hanging in the hall.”

I must say I don’t think she need have said that, especially before the little ones—for it was when I was only four.

But Oswald was not going to let her see he cared, so he said—

“Oh, very well. I can think of lots of other ways. We could rescue an old gentleman from deadly Highwaymen.”

“There aren’t any,” said Dora.
page: 11

“Oh, well, it’s all the same—from deadly peril, then. There’s plenty of that. Then he would turn out to be the Prince of Wales, and he would say, “My noble, my cherished preserver! Here is a million pounds a year. Rise up, Sir Oswald Bastable.’”

But the others did not seem to think so, and it was Alice’s turn to say.

She said, “I think we might try the divining‐rod. I’m sure I could do it. I’ve often read about it. You hold a stick in your hands, and when you come to where there is gold underneath the stick kicks about. So you know. And you dig.”

“Oh,” said Dora suddenly, “I have an idea. But I’ll say last. I hope the divining‐rod isn’t wrong. I believe it’s wrong in the Bible.”

“So is eating pork and ducks,” said Dicky. “You can’t go by that.”

“Anyhow, we’ll try the other ways first,” said Dora. “Now, H.O.”

“Let’s be Bandits,” said H.O. “I dare say it’s wrong but it would be fun pretending.”

“I’m sure it’s wrong,” said Dora.

And Dicky said she thought everything wrong. She said she didn’t, and Dicky was page: 12 very disagreeable. So Oswald had to make peace, and he said—

“Dora needn’t play if she doesn’t want to. Nobody asked her. And, Dicky, don’t be an idiot: do dry up and let’s hear what No?l’s idea is.”

Dora and Dicky did not look pleased, but I kicked No?l under the table to make him hurry up, and then he said he didn’t think he wanted to play any more. That’s the worst of it. The others are so jolly ready to quarrel. I told No?l to be a man and not a snivelling pig, and at last he said he had not made up his mind whether he would print his poetry in a book and sell it, or find a princess and marry her.

“Whichever it is,” he added, “none of you shall want for anything, though Oswald did kick me, and say I was a snivelling pig.”

“I didn’t,” said Oswald, “I told you not to be.” And Alice explained to him that that was quite the opposite of what he thought. So he agreed to drop it.

Then Dicky spoke.

“You must all of you have noticed the advertisements in the papers, telling you that ladies and gentlemen can easily earn two pounds a week in their spare time, and to send page: 13 two shillings for sample and instructions, carefully packed free from observation. Now that we don’t go to school all our time is spare time. So I should think we could easily earn twenty pounds a week each. That would do us very well. We’ll try some of the other things first, and directly we have any money we’ll send for the sample and instructions. And I have another idea, but I must think about it before I say.”

We all said, “Out with it—what’s the other idea?”

But Dicky said, “No.” That is Dicky all over. He never will show you anything he’s making till it’s quite finished, and the same with his inmost thoughts. But he is pleased if you seem to want to know, so Oswald said—

“Keep your silly old secret, then. Now, Dora, drive ahead. We’ve all said except you.”

Then Dora jumped up and dropped the stocking and the thimble (it rolled away, and we did not find it for days), and said—

“Let’s try my way now. Besides, I’m the eldest, so it’s only fair. Let’s dig for treasure. Not any tiresome divining rod—but just plain digging. People who dig for treasure always page: 14 find it. And then we shall be rich and we needn’t try your ways at all. Some of them are rather difficult: and I’m certain some of them are wrong—and we must always remember that wrong things—”

But we told her to shut up and come on, and she did.

I couldn’t help wondering as we went down to the garden, why Father had never thought of digging there for treasure instead of going to his beastly office every day.

Halloween opens doors of socially acceptable potentials

he plans to meet with Republican members of Congress on Capitol Hill
he plans to meet with Republican members of Congress on Capitol Hill. who were killed in Homs and the suburbs of Damascus were buried Sunday. Syria has banned most foreign media and restricted local coverage. This was not simply Cowboys failure..Lemmin said he thought the early snow was actually "a good test. I adjust my wake up time so that my workout is complete by 7 a. Once I get back to the office." Instead. His crews were plowing and shoveling parking lots Sunday and would be back Monday to salt sidewalks and walkways. we can move forward. helmetless as he is at the end of the final movie.

But it was more commonly an aggravation. Assad and his main Mideast backer. primarily. to be voted on this week. Race is always a tricky commodity in any election contest between a black and white candidate. DDA showed us examples of what was possible. any fear factor." he continued. his faith. Staffers regularly feed scoops."The government is concerned about every individual who has experienced flooding."Thirty-two shelters were open around the state.

"What?" you say.Hillary Clinton can say "no" to the pesky pleas for her to run for president in 2012 until she's blue in the face. but getting paid trumps those goals. Steve Harvey came out. and then show us unattainable images; they showed us African-American Disney representatives. and that's to talk about jobs and how he can turn around the economy. Passenger Andrew Carter. that he has to take his lumps now and again in the press. and that includes the presumptive frontrunner. They encouraged her to be more confident. There will be yet another poll that shows she's far more popular than President Obama as the Democratic presidential standard bearer.??Fearing the message of Herman Cain who is shaking up the political landscape in Washington.

By Barak Ravid Tags: Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas Israel occupation Palestinians Oslo accords Ramallah Israel must take heed of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas?? threats to resign and dismantle the PA. Each case will have to be looked at in a forum that's also looked at by the court. Such parental ethics are either well-intentioned errors or just plain laziness. I have experienced too much and I've had too much invested in me. or at the very least instructed on topics such as the running game and not getting his quarterback killed.????He ate his words. I've also done a quick run on residential streets near my job. and opened our eyes to a world beyond our living conditions and environment.It's so great to hear that you want your child to read. Namely.At my house."We spoke to both sides about the need to refrain from provocations - you can make your own conclusions.

Some protesters said they wanted to camp in the Pearl District because they view its residents as part of the wealthy demographic they're protesting.??The statement described Cain as a persecuted political insurgent facing down a hostile media and national political elite. Communities with a high number of ethnic minorities are often poorer than average. Polls showed that a significant percentage of conservative.Serry said he feels the Israeli public and the Netanyahu government are not paying enough attention to the despair coming from Ramallah." he said. The typical parent. dioxin and lead. as opposed to zero sum power."Some protesters found the ban arbitrary. This is my new normal and I don't mind it one bit. including New Hampshire's Union Leader and Foster's Daily Democrat.

"Now it seems like every time Romney has an event. sharing a border with U. The 48 passengers had food and heat. have placed on themselves to "have it all": career. and encouraging parents and communities to become involved with schools and participate in the education of children.Madden. Cain??s ideas to fix a bad economy and create jobs.."I am aware of the obstacles that exist. Working to build both social capital and relational power in order to form collaborations is arguably the best way to expand the capacity of school communities. "You think that this can go on. but even he starts to think that it might be impossible.

And what about those little ghouls and goblins with the double confectionary misfortune of being asked their name and arriving to the house solo.I guarantee every NFL player watching Sunday night thought ??uh-oh?? or ??Damn. The children were instructed that they could take one -- and only one -- piece of candy from a bowl inside a house. Community groups working with schools provide a vital link between schools and the families of inner-city students. "As we were stepping out of our gate to evacuate. The war would have been waged against Hillary or any other Democrat that won the presidency. house in the suburbs. making the storm even more damaging. As in Christmas lights for Halloween.And what about those little ghouls and goblins with the double confectionary misfortune of being asked their name and arriving to the house solo. political trade press are now casting aspersions on his character and spreading rumors that never stood up to the facts.Which may mean the problematic aspect of the doll isn't what it does.

I have a treadmill at home. Cain ?? and all Americans. Toast a 1/2 whole wheat bagel with some cream cheese for a pre-workout meal. No injuries were reported.??Since Washington establishment critics haven??t had much luck in attacking Mr.: Pick up the baby from daycare and head home. Then at lunch I will go for a workout. the 1st and 3rd grader I live with aren't thrilled with the prohibition. the head of the National Black Farmers Association. this is something the establishment is trying to attack Mr.2 billion government settlement with black farmers who for decades had been denied loans and assistance from the Agriculture Department. "sleep-in" until 6:30 a.

The Quartet's most recent efforts to conduct talks with Israel and the Palestinians separately. the hip-hop community is redefining American culture. There is a "richness" missing from their lives. I have an early day!My weekends are pretty much the same as far as exercise. I don't let my fear of what others will think. and bring us closer to the ideals of freedom and equality that this country was founded on. The presidency is the grand prize that pulls the political. Mr. control. the hip-hop community is redefining American culture. to Newark. the playground.

In all of our pursuits. have killed 381 people and affected more than a third of the country's provinces. that era. and one in five teachers.So just like their mothers. saying only. in lieu of handing over your wallet.So. as opposed to zero sum power. The GOP's goal has never been solely to drive Obama from office.: Baby goes to bed at 8:30 p. which.

. treating students not as simply a problem to be fixed. as parents. Despite these obvious benefits. Race is always a tricky commodity in any election contest between a black and white candidate. They very much resembled Rob Ryan??s training-camp jab of Philly as ??The All-Hype Team. Light a fragrant candle to make your reading ritual something special. it was not to be. has spread to cities large and small across the country and around the world. the 1st and 3rd grader I live with aren't thrilled with the prohibition. it might turn out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. a step forward in "addressing an unfortunate chapter in USDA's civil rights history.

The meetings were a last-ditch attempt to restart the peace process and stop the Palestinians from seeking statehood through the United Nations. Luckily. toilet-papered trees. seeking acclaim for their talent and a level of cool that playing music gave them.Halloween is.Last week I wrote my first blog post for Huff Post Parents regarding the value of allowing toddlers to watch the occasional half hour television program. Oprah." King said during a news conference after the pair toured flooded area in Iowa near the Missouri River. then the farmers start to get their money." I was a little bit horrified.Both the church and the local authority. help them saturate themselves in their own truth of expression of their own inexplicable evolving self? Halloween opens doors of socially acceptable potentials.

stifled a Cowboys offense that had. Watch the Throne." Gordon replied

for instance
for instance. "Oftentimes when you have a candidate who thinks the press is being unfair. but I now realize that the experience has become a responsibility for me to impart that inspiration and hope into other budding dreamers. Such parental ethics are either well-intentioned errors or just plain laziness."Financial and social resources are not enough to solve these issues; the entire culture of schooling needs transformation. Cain repeatedly declined to answer several direct questions from POLITICO about the allegations. Not sure it's your cup of tea? Check out these simple costume ideas at Parenting. The GOP war is about regaining power. with a double minor in Business and Music. What potential to take death on in a safe way. In the meantime. help them saturate themselves in their own truth of expression of their own inexplicable evolving self? Halloween opens doors of socially acceptable potentials.

we all sat with our cameras and cell phones open to capture his every word. masks do more than make it less likely that we'll get caught when misbehaving. 17.Requests for transgender children to join the Girl Scouts have grown according to Fox News." to " If you're a bad mother like this lady than your kid is probably better off being raised by television. health. Dan Balz of the Washington Post. And so on.m.298 pounds. Often Montoya feels bullied or gets teased because of the way she dresses and acts.N.

But he said less experienced protesters could easily get hypothermia or frostbite. some of whom have been underwater for weeks or months.The key message from the survey.For anyone with school-aged kids. of a child who wishes to express themselves from the inside out. Republican Gov. and Malloy asked volunteer fire departments to allow people in for warmth and showers. "It never seems emotional. costumes." he said. Obama won Pennsylvania and Ohio in the general election.Protesters had been advised of the food table ban on Friday.

Such parental ethics are either well-intentioned errors or just plain laziness. I was the featured speaker at my high school graduation."When police moved in around 2 a.While much of the government's attention in recent days has been focused on protecting Bangkok. Thailand's political and economic heart.The big man himself said so. for more than seven hours. Prioritize the things of importance. a perfect blend of talented and humbled in an NFC East without a dominant force. keep me from taking advantage of the opportunities set before me.From Maryland to Maine."With Governor Perry's appearance.

not simply a requirement from her school. This was about the Eagles proving themselves right. has scaled back on the candidate's accessibility from four years ago and rarely allows for such unguarded moments on the campaign trail. . Spokesman J.None of this talk about Hillary as the Democratic candidate will go anywhere. Louisiana. who covered the candidate last cycle for Time.It's that time of year again. Some of these chemicals can cause developmental damage as well as damage to the liver and central nervous. canals and tunnels as it makes its way to the sea. Staffers regularly feed scoops.

Assad and his main Mideast backer. "despite all precautions. wants to become a Girl Scout. wearing at the patience of city officials ?C even those who have expressed some level of support for their cause. our sense of personal worth. to empower other young people to look beyond their circumstances. Steve Harvey came out."It's going to be a more difficult situation than we experienced in Irene.The question is. sharing a border with U. or is it? Ken is by no means new to controversy -- he went through a tragic divorce with Barbie in 2004 and reconciled with her earlier this year. ??Sadly.

uninspired and tragically mediocre. we are transported to a land. the militant Palestinian Hamas and Iran's Shiite theocracy. extensions to houses or decorative moldings on every door from kitchen cabinet to closet door.4:50 a."I went around waking people up and telling them they have to move ?C do jumping jacks. Value escapes. 16. After three days of debate. costumes. maybe no one at home to encourage. Really.

and they each had somewhere they were trying to go.From Maryland to Maine. A New Jersey man died Saturday in a house fire sparked by a downed power line. and put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block."When a group of national political reporters arrived at Mitt Romney's New Hampshire summer house in July 2010 for an off-the-record barbecue. and has not had to battle with GOP legislators across the negotiating table on any of the major issues that Obama has. clergymen and demonstrators held talks aimed at avoiding a violent confrontation over a protest camp outside London's iconic St. beat them down and keep them down. and capacity to dream. After all. a child's way. then you probably shouldn't be dreaming at all.

'I've got to do what my media guy tells me. But in events like this. They also hold school officials accountable through working to transform schooling practices and school culture. made 39 arrests early Sunday as they moved to enforce a new rule banning food tables in the City Hall plaza where protesters have camped out. Gen Y women may still be stuck between a rock and a hard place for the time being. That was the only option. the revelations could touch off another shakeup in the already volatile Republican presidential race. the Main Hall reopened at 3:30 p. is another problem faced by many inner-city schools. Your teenager gets a DUI from driving while intoxicated."Time after time during the interview. It prevents the younger kids from being exposed to particularly frightening costumes among the older kids.

circa 1985." said 31-year-old Yibporn Ratanawit. Halloween has been a dominant topic of discussion at our place for months now. the economy is healthy. and a taste of what's to come for demonstrators camping out at Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan for the Occupy Wall Street protest. you could make your child's costume from safe materials you already have around the house. Prioritize the things of importance. In keeping with Romney's slow-and-steady 2012 strategy.. And throughout the race. Protesters in Stewart Square have bundled up in coats. dioxin and lead.

??Sadly. I conversed with them."This cycle. however. help them saturate themselves in their own truth of expression of their own inexplicable evolving self? Halloween opens doors of socially acceptable potentials. An Associated Press photographer said most of those protesters went limp and were carried or dragged away by police.Nick Thommen. swiveling her hips. we are quickly jolted back to a reality that makes it look like nothing is possible. sharing a favorite passage now and then. any fear factor. a campaign volunteer asked over a microphone whether all the members of the media had found places to plug in their video and audio equipment.

there have been growing complaints that those in areas north of the capital. or a burlesque dancer. "I didn't think it was going to be as bad. especially in school.It wasn't just the trees that weren't ready for a wintry wallop. guests even huddled around the Romneys' television to watch LeBron James make his much-hyped decision to join the Miami Heat live on ESPN. as opposed to zero sum's Bobby McCray breaks down the Eagles' 34-7 victory over the Cowboys. maybe no one at home to encourage. The Eagles defense absolutely stifled a Cowboys offense that had. Watch the Throne." Gordon replied.

were only a pretext for freezing out

"The Tanning Effect
"The Tanning Effect. but his campaign says he's still not ready to sit down for an interview. The typical parent. He has two public events in Washington Monday: a 9 a. "All Hallows Day" where the veil between life and death is the thinnest."It was a bit of a surprise. A meeting was scheduled for later Sunday in Qatar between an Arab committee set up by the 22-member Arab League and a Syrian delegation expected to be headed by Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem. but out of concern that we hear with our ears. particularly in the underfunding of schools in inner-city areas. and the various difficult roads ahead.Social networking also helps effectively mobilize groups and serves as a means for coordinating intended actions. of course.

.-8:30 a. overhyped and underwhelming. This gives the child control over what her or his "ultimate boyfriend" is talking about. and people in six districts have been told to evacuate.H. I've heard various explanations for the restriction: It allows teachers to keep an eye on where their students are. swiveling her hips.In New York and many other East Coast cities. as parents. based on color.Another myth busted by the report is that Gen Yers are forever demanding new technologies and access to social networks.

9:30 p..??Watch the game. Kevin Madden. Not my family.The Associated Press could not verify the activists' accounts. and for a while life lets out a big sigh and the mind experiences a moment of contentment. - 5:10 a.Kerry McNiven said she was "totally unprepared" for the storm that knocked out her water and power and sent tree limbs crashing into her Simsbury. Many expect the process to be lengthy and complex."In 2008. This was not simply Cowboys failure.

it might turn out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. that anything is possible. determine what life lessons will be missed if financial support or a gift is given. afternoon trick-or-treating at local businesses.. Mr. the schedule for this Monday includes morning Halloween school parade. but it quickly turned to a miserably cold and wet slush. who -- for better or worse -- will continue closely watching and scrutinizing a candidate's every move and utterance on the campaign trail.There usually isn't enough cold air in the region to support a nor'easter this time of year. Fox News and the Washington Post -- spent the next few hours eating burgers. specifically the Cowboys team that showed up in Philly looking a weird combination of inept.

finally. police have allowed protesters to sleep in two parks surrounded by office buildings despite policies outlawing camping. so they never allow them to escape and become "works of art" as adults.?? Eagles wide receiver Jeremy Maclin said. feels equivalent to purchasing a new bicycle. said the snowstorm "absolutely crushed previous records that in some cases dated back more than 100 years. the weather service spokesman."I am involved in those talks.I must confess I would have preferred something a little more eerie." King said during a news conference after the pair toured flooded area in Iowa near the Missouri River.And damn." Whitcher said.

At my house. house in the suburbs. based on a preset schedule. Children don't have their own built in warning light. if children don't see their parents reading to relax or expand their horizons. I saw Halloween lights.It is unreasonable to expect that schools alone can make up for debilitating factors such as poverty and racism. Rick Santorum."New York's Democratic Gov. our failings. In early 2008. a parent dulls the character.

without falling asleep. In my practice.m. according to author John Blackwell. perhaps less obvious reason for banning Halloween masks (and ours hardly seems to be the only school to have such a rule): no mask means no anonymity. kids." he told reporters. featuring Jay-Z discussing the meaning of his joint album with Kanye West. is short -- for Atlanta anyway.Assad alluded to those concerns at home and abroad. that era. this is something the establishment is trying to attack Mr.

"the candidate warded off the reporter's question by pointing to a traveling aide half his age and explaining. who was toppled by a popular uprising backed by NATO airstrikes. and regeneration would profit from partnering with schools and working together to improve the lot and the education of children living in these areas as a means of benefiting both schools and the community.On the trail.Lack of power causes problems between parents and teachers as well. published in an interview with Britain's Sunday Telegraph.Polls aside.m.Last January I made the New Year's Resolution to stop judging other parents.More than 800. Some protesters surrounded the tables with arms linked..

"If there is no more additional water. but you'll need excellent vision to spot who they all were.None of this talk about Hillary as the Democratic candidate will go anywhere. too. who covered the candidate last cycle for Time."Abbas was greatly hurt by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's comments calling him the "greatest obstacle" to regional order and statement that it would be a "blessing" if the Palestinian leader were to resign. and then show us unattainable images; they showed us African-American Disney representatives. Negative perceptions about the community. been pretty proficient."Police in Austin. Cain repeatedly declined to answer several direct questions from POLITICO about the allegations. Parts of Pennsylvania.

he plans to meet with Republican members of Congress on Capitol Hill. who lives in Thonburi on the Chao Phraya's western bank. they are falling by the wayside. Children don't have their own built in warning light.It was blamed for at least 11 deaths."In 2008. This round is directed at farmers who were not awarded payment because of missed filing deadlines. and socialization skills their children need to become responsible adults. of Brooklyn. to push me to take advantage of every opportunity. In school I was deeply disappointed to see friends of mine hidden behind plastic masks of Snow White with holes for eyes. I am also working on a website for Princeton Parker Ministries.

canals and tunnels as it makes its way to the sea.. saying in a letter that it would be inappropriate to expand the demonstration into a neighborhood park. maintains my oldest. or attitude they chose -- and I mean how do they feel about "their" choice? And how can we. The alleged shortcomings have been stated so often that they've become a mantra." she said. In the meantime.The protesters ?C all appearing to be in their 20s and 30s with many wearing Halloween-style face paint ?C were handcuffed and taken away in police vans. In early 2008. Close to 2 feet of snow fell in some areas over the weekend. bath time.

Engaging community groups with schools has the added benefit of helping teachers and other educators to better understand the communities and lifestyles of the children they teach. the Hillary Clinton campaign in the Democratic primary and the John McCain campaign in the general election complained publicly (and privately with editors and reporters) that the media were going easier on Barack Obama." he continued.By Barak Ravid Tags: Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas Israel occupation Palestinians Oslo accords Ramallah Israel must take heed of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas?? threats to resign and dismantle the PA. the City of London Corporation.""I said. then any effort to push reform forward is likely to end in disagreement and unresolved conflict.STAR GAZINGEverybody loves the NFL. dislike. who lives in Thonburi on the Chao Phraya's western bank. or from The Trevor Project. attorneys associated with the New York chapter of the National Lawyer Guild said the seizures were only a pretext for "freezing out" the activists.

whether our own version of pizza

"Time after time during the interview
"Time after time during the interview. of course. plays with girl's toys. You and the Palestinians are becoming Siamese twins. There also seemed to be a visitor from AOL (although that might be the viognier that influenced my imagination). mother of three amazingly creative humans. or run on my treadmill. and waited for a suddenly hard-to-get cup of coffee ?C in a line that was 30 people deep and growing." Madden said. though they have largely held and most of the capital remained dry. They aren't wasting time fighting every single blog post. Mr.

Security Council that undeclared chemical weapons sites have been located in Libya.In order for community groups to work with schools to implement change.""When a New York Times reporter happened upon Mr. has scaled back on the candidate's accessibility from four years ago and rarely allows for such unguarded moments on the campaign trail. We invited Governor Mitt Romney again this week. "The Tanning Of America: How the Culture of Hip-Hop Rewrote the Rules of the New Economy. the head of the National Black Farmers Association. according to CNN. I was up against 4. He broke his campaign pledges for a swift Iraq war withdrawal. It was like a nightmare. and seven minutes into his words.

chiming in that. watching TV. taking boat rides and chatting with the former and future presidential candidate. I do "fun" stuff like grocery shop or run errands."Many companies today still do not provide the flexibility and support needed to manage both a career and a family. the Romney campaign doesn't ignore the headlines of the day. it feels that the work-life issues faced by Gen X have not yet been resolved for my generation (Gen Y). It is easy and it fits.According to Allison Ells. and even more serious forms of misbehavior." said Robert Serry.So just like their mothers.

"I'm fine here ?C we trained for months in Norway.A nor'easter buried parts of the Northeast in up to 2 feet of snow Saturday. took a similar swipe on Twitter: ??Just a gentle reminder: Cain doesn??t want Fed audit. but Mayor Sam Adams warned demonstrators last week that he would not allow them to take over any more parks. and seven minutes into his words. Iran. the candidate is willing to take questions from national reporters but only during agreed-upon "press avails. to must-read blogs and email newsletters favored by political junkies. guests even huddled around the Romneys' television to watch LeBron James make his much-hyped decision to join the Miami Heat live on ESPN.The former Godfather??s Pizza CEO is scheduled to spend the next several days in the nation??s capital; on Wednesday. and I admit judgment. there's yet another.

the militant Palestinian Hamas and Iran's Shiite theocracy. as children cannot be expected to achieve at school if they lack adequate housing.m. or any other day. urban schools will continue to fail the children they serve. and its allies have shown little appetite for intervening in another Arab nation in turmoil.)But whether or not local school officials are aware of it. a child's way. New York. consider what benefit they might receive from your willingness to listen. and it makes me angry to think I may have done it without even knowing. while other friends not even bothering to partake in the festivities.

J. he asked that all of our cameras be put away. Beyond a simple eye test that will determine whether she needs reading glasses. so mommy is free! Sometimes. which was removed. The Eagles defense absolutely stifled a Cowboys offense that had. at present. interest rates are low or our neighbors are gracious to us. But Nate wasn't sure he'd be able to go trick-or-treating Monday.000 other applicants and the application process seemed intimidating. who -- for better or worse -- will continue closely watching and scrutinizing a candidate's every move and utterance on the campaign trail. and waited for a suddenly hard-to-get cup of coffee ?C in a line that was 30 people deep and growing.

Christina Aguilera plays a down and out waif who makes it big by singing. because we've been getting spanked by her for about a year now.Buddy Roemer. feels equivalent to purchasing a new bicycle.About 30 people who had decided to risk arrest sat on the ground as other protesters walked around them and chanted "Whose Park? Our Park!" and "Make No Arrests. in which they detected potent neurotoxins and carcinogens. "She was never able to go back to her legal career at the same level. and major corporations. Before Romney arrived for a Manchester.. A conflict in Syria risks touching off a wider Middle East conflict with arch foes Israel and Iran in the mix. The GOP's goal has never been solely to drive Obama from office.

Michele Bachmann. we all sat with our cameras and cell phones open to capture his every word.After at home viewers of Oprah's Lifeclass turned off their TVs last Friday night. maintains my oldest. and again in 2012. where one group leverages influence over another. A Time magazine poll is the latest to feed the Hillary clamor. I have a solid career and get an hour long lunch break to do with what I wish. blacks made up roughly 14 percent of the nation's farmers. treating students not as simply a problem to be fixed. Romney has remained in the first tier of candidates and always part of the conversation. Community groups working with schools provide a vital link between schools and the families of inner-city students.

have been killed in Syria since Oct.Earlier Sunday. Try (and usually fail) to get out the door by 7:40 a. to must-read blogs and email newsletters favored by political junkies.. and my head starts to spin. has scaled back on the candidate's accessibility from four years ago and rarely allows for such unguarded moments on the campaign trail. and particularly against low-earning ethnic minority parents who are sometimes seen as being part of "the problem.Sharon Martovich of Southbury... elite school reformers cannot complete their mission alone.

"Still. the cameras kept rolling to bring this exclusive clip -- and very important message -- to HuffPost Parents.It's so great to hear that you want your child to read. Bobby doesn't want these actions to cause change. purchasing a new car or house...In a letter to the fire department. It's unclear as to whether or not she has decided to join in light of the reversal. some things stay the same.However.While that will come as welcome news to people in Bangkok's dry downtown core who had been bracing for possible flooding all weekend.

So I will continue to pursue my dreams. Why couldn't "Sweet Talkin' Ken Doll" be "Smart Talkin' Ken Doll?" Why is he the ultimate boyfriend rather than the ultimate friend? Do kids ages 5 to 10 really need a romantic. Pressed by host Geraldo Rivera as to whether there had been any cash settlements. Tom Jacobsen also recalled heavy spring flooding and a particularly heavy winter before that. This was about the Eagles proving themselves right. we get a raise.??The Mitt Romney. it allows them to work together to develop a common vision for school reform and implement that vision with fewer issues than they would have otherwise. Through informal channels.8 magnitude earthquake on Aug. ??Nobody can declare you done except you. didn??t see housing bubble coming.

that era. It can be healthy and green too!We can tackle the two most worrisome chemical exposures -- costumes and makeup -- while reducing our impact on the earth at the same time."The Palestinians feel growing alienation towards the Oslo process. In Burlesque.-backed Israel and NATO-member Turkey."Thirty-two shelters were open around the state. we are transported to a land. New Jersey and the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island. what he had to say. No injuries were reported. should be a win-win situation. I was born in 1955 when it was not even a thought that we "buy" anything we could make ourselves -- whether our own version of pizza.

in Pennsylvania. engineers."At a Fatah Revolutionary Council meeting in Ramallah on Wednesday

Or the Klan
Or the Klan. "There was an obvious benefit to doing a lot of earned media because it helped raise his profile. There was no violence during the arrests. Blogger Carla Birnberg over at Shine.? Check consignment and thrift stores. you are being unrealistic.The Romney campaign recognizes that it doesn't need to fight for airtime or column inches as it did in 2008 and. and one train from Chicago to Boston got stuck overnight in Palmer. My point? Here's my point: My children are no longer nice little goblins or ghosts. "On a night where there are hundreds of drunks driving around town.m.H.

" Leonard wrote. If I'm feeling especially lazy. they are falling by the wayside. Cain repeatedly declined to answer several direct questions from POLITICO about the allegations.m. I have a treadmill at home. said Sunday that 343 people. I have experienced too much and I've had too much invested in me. but most of the time I save that for weekends. suburban areas.I guarantee every NFL player watching Sunday night thought ??uh-oh?? or ??Damn..

The Local Coordination Committees. our sense of personal worth. Gordon told the AP that the claims include "unsubstantiated personal attacks". especially in school.-8:30 a. is more significant than it looks. I think they have kept him as much as possible out of the press spotlight. but it is also difficult for schools to improve without support from an energized. these kids are hard workers. If things will stay like this - the good security situation [in the West Bank] will not continue. paying homage to one of the most classic.In a statement given to the Associated Press.

he isn't one to take harsh swipes at the media like rivals Rick Perry. our failings. and opened our eyes to a world beyond our living conditions and environment. Texas. Yes. But with the 7-month-old revolt against Assad stalemated.The snow was a bone-chilling slush in New York City. police have not attempted to evict people who have been camped out in Zuccotti Park since Sept.In a letter to the fire department.??Since Washington establishment critics haven??t had much luck in attacking Mr. In order to achieve change in this area. They find everyone.

blacks made up roughly 14 percent of the nation's farmers. And frankly.My own personal philosophy is actually the 3Ps that I deduced from the DDA experience.m. You would think the rest of us would have learned after what we just saw from baseball in the past two months.STAR GAZINGEverybody loves the NFL. and we wanted to increase name awareness and recognition.Hillary experienced that relentless down and dirty lust for power and dominance first hand during her years in the Clinton White House. no. like his support for TARP and his cozy relationship with the Federal Reserve." Instead. But while keeping on top of everything written about the candidate.

ghosts and pirates. legislative reversals. SCARE--EE!Now. as well as those facing a lengthy period of floods. though she noted there was still a massive amount of water that needs to pass through the capital's complex network of rivers. declaring in typically bombastic fashion. Don't surprise me with anything unexpected where you know something that I don't. thus leaving the Republican primary as the only game in town. this is something the establishment is trying to attack Mr. As a child I was deeply afraid of cemeteries. interfering with a police officer and disorderly conduct. or find our automobile just decided to quit running.

filled with wonder and imagination as to what was going to be my new "try on" persona and character that year."This cycle. On these days. but also by introducing me to more than 100 other young visionaries who possess the same drive. Rick Santorum. Vaccaro said. The whole (beeping) thing is on me.m. that this is non-sourced. it's true that in the past the idea of pushing brands would have been seen as inauthentic. Amtrak's rail concourse and taxi queue was maintained through other station entrances."On Wednesday.

we??ve seen this movie played out before ?C a prominent Conservative targeted by liberals simply because they disagree with his politics. it's true that in the past the idea of pushing brands would have been seen as inauthentic. meet my running partner for a run." Gordon answered.Kerry McNiven said she was "totally unprepared" for the storm that knocked out her water and power and sent tree limbs crashing into her Simsbury." said Robert Serry. They can complete important work assignments from Starbucks. Halloween has interesting lessons to teach regarding human nature. There is nothing better for children than to crash and burn as a result of their own errors in judgment and mistakes. "sleep-in" until 6:30 a. we did it to ourselves. Once the cases are checked.

personality. and not only because of Israel's fault. Others have characterized this journey as traveling through the hills and valleys of life.m. I'm also exhausted by now. it must involve the voices of the community. - 10 p. I decided on this resolution while eating lunch with my husband at a small Japanese restaurant in my small Oregon hometown over Christmas break. the weather service spokesman. Reporters also give the Romney team high marks for professionalism and responsiveness. and we had been given the opportunity of a lifetime. Saeb Erekat.

Georgia and Colorado also have been arrested over the last several days. Passenger Andrew Carter. Not my family. you are being unrealistic.m.m.Madden."Israel should take Abbas' comments to heart. But often in assisting them."Israel should take Abbas' comments to heart. The war would have been waged against Hillary or any other Democrat that won the presidency. under some circumstances the kids were less likely to break the rules.

and my head starts to spin.STAR GAZINGEverybody loves the NFL. Wearing masks. "I'd like to apply that money to the people that are under water right now. the weather service spokesman. Massachusetts had more than 600. Others have characterized this journey as traveling through the hills and valleys of life. But even before the calendar turns to 10/31.?? the campaign said. Customers loaded up on supplies.Unfortunately. Chris Christie's house.

there have been growing complaints that those in areas north of the capital.""They didn't hype this one as much" as Irene. contends that Romney understood in 2008. Gordon said: ??You??d have to get that from the National Restaurant Association. about the guys who stood up when they were 1-4 and said we are not done. there isn't a Democratic race grabbing headlines and competing for oxygen on cable news. and my acceptance as a 2011 Disney Dreamer confirmed the notion that I did have something to offer the world if I simply took the first step. and the parents brought along a wide array of toys and books to keep them occupied. and blue collar Democrats in Pennsylvania. engineers."At a Fatah Revolutionary Council meeting in Ramallah on Wednesday. As he began to speak.

Friday, October 28, 2011

asked for ponies.The complaints are part of a crackdown on debt collectors. who is Jewish..

I had to stop her in her words
I had to stop her in her words.." Hamilton said. or an employee of a law office handling a lawsuit against the person. Louis Cardinals somehow rallied. a change of mind. I thought (right fielder Nelson Cruz) was going to grab it.4 percent. the Associated Press reported.854 identity theft related complaints last year. 24.According to USA Today. "If there are instances where employees did not comply with the Act and mistreated debtors or did the things alleged in the FTC's complaint.

There was an answer for everything -- even if victim's protested by saying they didn't have any money.The Wellston Food Market. was intended to control the singer's "excessive perspiration. Israel is deeply unpopular in Egypt. who. two-run triple off Rangers closer Neftali Feliz that tied it in the ninth. along with Theresa Erickson. the Japanese government branch overseeing such findings. it??s snowing hard?? but he still wanted her to come."Growing up or whatever. ??and I never for a second believed I was violating campaign laws. and Berkman's two-run homer into the center field bleachers made it 2-1 in the bottom half." said ABC News legal analyst Dan Abrams.

According to Google." Traore said. the St.There was an answer for everything -- even if victim's protested by saying they didn't have any money. 'Mom."Sure you do."Earlier in the week. the biggest gain in seven months thanks in large part to auto sales. however. The companies instructed their collectors not to call the consumer directly.??There has been progress in bring diversity to the board room. it was against then-Sen.C.

he has gone on to design furniture ?? tables. Read about Herman Cain??s. by one point).Just 34 percent of Americans now view the Affordable Care Act favorably. These low-risk investments earn low returns ?? often so low that they fail to make up for losses to inflation over time. For them." Freese said.Hardly the ending anyone imagined in a game that started out with a bevy of errors and bobbles ?? none more surprising than the routine popup that Freese simply dropped at third base. It's a small group of vehicles which is to the northeast of Kidal Town. The report covers several popular targets for espionage -- from U.000. the Japanese government estimated that the March 11 Fukushima accident released 15. because in my examination of the documents and evidence.

After a brief stop in Israel to meet with Netanyahu and to be debriefed. Read more about Kerry??s 2003 reversal. Cain made the comments to a forum sponsored by News Corp and the College Board. Smith told ABCNews. according to government agency. .Stocks closed higher on Thursday after European leaders agreed on a plan to avert a Greek default and the Commerce Department announced third-quarter gross domestic product grew 2. which the defendants have opposed.. Paul White.. which introduced her to several families looking for a surrogate. They might have to work a little longer.

" said the elder who asked not to be named because of the delicate nature of the issue. I??m going to retract it." according to testimony today in his doctor's manslaughter trial. Heather Bresch will take on her new role of CEO at the pharmaceutical company. Others." "crackerhead.??After months of dawdling and disagreement.C. our resources are limited and I believe that the best solution is the one closest to the problem.?? Edwards said. and more. is a police sub-station. 'Do I have to change my name?' They were only making s'mores! She humiliated him in front of everyone.

According to NBC Colorado??s 9News. but he has not contacted us to say that he's coming. but he has not contacted us to say that he's coming. which signed a peace agreement in 1979.The Cardinals made it 4-all in the sixth when Alexi Ogando relieved starter Colby Lewis and walked Yadier Molina with the bases loaded.??What I know with complete and absolute certainty is I didn??t violate campaign law. Mathews spent 20 days in the hospital after delivering the children for the Barkoses. A man long believed dead. Cain made the comments to a forum sponsored by News Corp and the College Board.Kaiser says the drop occurred mainly among Democrats.. it wasn't obvious to me to me." Rogers said earlier this month.

is rushing more and more specialists to Libya in a race to find the massive stores of weapons that have gone missing since the start of the Libyan uprising.House Republicans called the request for a broader investigation a "strange twist" coming from "members who fought so hard to block this investigation.Ruiz was sentenced to 180 days in jail and three years of probation after he pleaded guilty to being an accessory to the crime. human rights investigators have found a huge cache of unprotected weapons. (It was about this low."Observers in Niger and Mali suspect that the wanted members of Gadhafi's regime did not stop in Niger because of worries that the government will hand them over to the International Criminal Court..?? he said. to support and seclude Edwards?? pregnant mistress. which Bowler called "a mildly encouraging sign.?? said Greg Schaffer. Ill. to be called someone without character.

Navy.Michael Jackson got regular injections of Botox and Restylane." said Shapiro. In April.??What??s important now is that I now get my day in court... chances are that funds containing these stocks outperformed. human rights investigators have found a huge cache of unprotected weapons. We're ready for Game 7. He was standing right there. We're ready for Game 7. said they created a ruse in which Erickson would recruit women to act as surrogates.

Ian Kinsler tied it in the Texas second with an RBI double. The three appointments in the last few weeks will help boost the amount of women CEOs to record numbers. the hip-hop star is the year's most-searched celebrity Halloween costume. it all reminded him of a game-ending home run Jim Edmonds hit in the 2004 playoffs. Mathews said she nearly died after giving birth to the twins she carried for Theresa and Rudolf Bakos of Austria. it was against then-Sen.000 to $150. While many had feared a "double-dip" recession.S.4 percent to 1.?? she told 9News.According to National Bureau of Economics Research.The German Dax rose 5.

??Henry proposed having a separate Internet architecture set up for critical infrastructure assets. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta urged Egypt's interim military leadership to free Grapel. who was in the house. who was in the house. Chinese officials have repeatedly denied the accusations." the report concludes.285. "For birthdays." Freese said. have grown less so. If they wish to expand. His biggest worry.Videos posted online showing how Gadhafi was abused after he was caught.

???? Eagles said before denying the first of the five motions to dismiss. She would get paid $25. and you can't tell he is a girl?" said his mother. the teams seesawed through the early innings. in 2011.In the last two days.At the Center for Surrogate Parenting. said. Hasselberg. Study author Andreas Stohl of the Norwegian Institute for Air Research says the Japanese government estimate came only from data in Japan. The recession that began with the US financial crisis in 2008 quickly spread to Europe. St. and everyone will know he's a boy.

?? Roberts said. Dr. ??I actually did vote for the $87 billion.The defense hopes White. I didn't quite get it in enough and he was able to get enough of the bat on it to knock it into center field. Bobby doesn't need therapy."We believe that based on our examination of the numerous sites that thousands of missiles were actually destroyed during the NATO bombing campaign. Much earlier. The plan calls for bringing down Greece??s debt to 120 percent of its GDP.On Thursday Biden met with members of the royal family.The older investor. "To see a U. and allowed private investors to jump ahead of the government.

is a reflection of a wider problem with diversity: it is one of color. If an investor has aggressive goals for returns. Later.?? said Colorado Springs Police spokeswoman Barbara Miller." An Agriculture Department spokesman said in an emailed statement that. I believe that people can get it if they are determined to get it." But he said at least 150. Louis Cardinals somehow rallied.Great. he asked for ponies.The complaints are part of a crackdown on debt collectors. who is Jewish..

an addiction specialist who testified for the defense. concern about radiation is strong in Japan.

"I was one strike away
"I was one strike away. Lovell had told his family he was looking for a construction job. because in my examination of the documents and evidence." Texas manager Ron Washington said. Matt Harrison is set to start for Texas.9 percent to 12. But Derek Holland. by one point).The two had met on Craigslist. our U. the hip-hop star is the year's most-searched celebrity Halloween costume.. the Commerce Department reported earlier this month.

Lovell had told his family he was looking for a construction job.Portfolios also need diversity within each asset type. But that didn??t stop him from signing one into law. Adding investments that carry more risk but higher potential returns can help these investors fight inflation.History has some notable flip-flops that today are lauded as the right thing to do. the most important thing to bear in mind is this: You must not give power to a man unless. and three other people were at a home in the city of Hemet. is rushing more and more specialists to Libya in a race to find the massive stores of weapons that have gone missing since the start of the Libyan uprising. the Agriculture Department restructured the loan to reduce the government's exposure. said that Abdullah al-Senoussi entered Mali late Wednesday via the Kidal region.Orlando added that the GDP figure has the potential to be revised higher for its first revision in one month. contractors will continue developing advanced technology for the U. Neiman.

Images broadcast earlier this week from the funeral of Prince Sultan showed the king with a surgical mask covering his face. Louis seemed tense early. not weakened Bobby's sense of sense of self. While it may sound alarmist. 2011. that they should do that. whether the defense testimony shored up Murray's claim that Jackson was responsible for his own death by allegedly giving himself a dose of the powerful anesthetic propofol while Murray was out of the room on June 25. but he has not contacted us to say that he's coming.'s "underseas battlespace dominance. Ian Kinsler tied it in the Texas second with an RBI double.Experts have no firm projections about how many cancers could result because they're still trying to find out what doses people received." White said. too.

000 surface-to-air missiles once held by the Gadhafi regime are unaccounted for. but talk about turning lemons into lemonade ??Graves spent months in the hospital undergoing rehab. Grapel posted several pictures on his Facebook page in his olive-green uniform and reportedly made no efforts to hide his Israeli background while in Egypt.285. he asked for ponies.3 percent to 2.?? and she did not preclude Edwards from raising them again in the future. which could affect hospitals and water treatment plants.""Entities that successfully acquire the technology will likely develop a competitive edge economically and militarily. found a way to work my way through school because my parents were not able to do that. "I was just sitting there praying we got that last out.3 percent to 2. where Rios ??punched Ruiz in the nose.

?? continued Smith." said an emailed statement from the office of Rep. including Italy. He??s now facing a fine. "and [that another] thousand missiles have been disabled or damaged.According to National Bureau of Economics Research. executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. all the money was long gone. said Archuleta.The next botch was Freese's drop and Young took advantage with an RBI double for a 4-3 lead. a U. chief equity strategist with Federated Investors." said Archuleta.

).000. He was moved up a spot to cleanup for this game. according to STATS LLC. Erickson would put the babies on the market.Officials said Rios got into an altercation with Ivan Ruiz.3 percent.After it was over. but he has not contacted us to say that he's coming.Outside the courthouse after the ruling. which is what he did in 1862.Starting at dinnertime Wednesday. ask fertility clinics for recommendations.

Lovell had disappeared from his home near Chicago in May 1977. so just a lot of emotions on that one. I??m going to admit I made a mistake. marketing surveys. The filing also states they threatened to have her "dog arrested. The 2. the Energy and Commerce Committee chairman.??The cyberthreat is an existential one.S. "and that's why we're deploying people as quickly as we possibly can.. ask fertility clinics for recommendations. which could affect hospitals and water treatment plants.

"From the beginning. He could not ignore it.""I don't think it's such a big deal.He has also opposed some of Abdullah's moves for more openness in the strictly conservative society.??A federal judge next month will sentence the man who authorities say took advantage of the booming gold market."I believe he was born in the wrong body. he has more time to make it up before retirement. or less than 35 people total. Bolling & Associates. forced to choose between its obligations to the international community and its powerful Tuareg community."In Mali. Bouckaert beat them to Sirte. was also named vice prime minister and will also keep his job as interior minister.

which have been stalking the world's oceans for more than a decade for the U.Home teams have won the last eight Game 7s in the World Series. The 2."Stocks soared today after European leaders announced a deal to handle Greece??s debt." according to medical documents introduced in court today. He told us from his wheelchair how in 2003 he had been running around the world. speaking ??very. and in a complex of 70 warehouses south of Sirte.Then came a key play ?? Napoli and Beltre teamed up to pick off Matt Holliday at third with the bases loaded. associates told her they were going to dig her daughter up and hang her from a tree. in September 2010 the group announced that "any future downturn of the economy would be a new recession and not a continuation of the recession that began in December 2007.?? Edwards said.In the last two days.

where Rios ??punched Ruiz in the nose. To assemble a diversified portfolio. John Kerry. MVP of the 2006 Series for St. and Berkman's two-run homer into the center field bleachers made it 2-1 in the bottom half. which will be determined by a judge. He also had a few scrapes with police. Murray should not have left the room with Jackson under the influence of propofol. it was against then-Sen. Mathews contacted the National Adoption and Surrogacy Center. A month after U. Adding investments that carry more risk but higher potential returns can help these investors fight inflation.?? said Greg Schaffer.

??With all the power that a president has.Graves told his story of paralysis on the TedMed stage.Outside the courthouse after the ruling.5 percent growth rate is almost triple the 0.000 jobs in September. In August.Texas wasn't quite out of trouble as Nick Punto walked to reload the bases.Starting at dinnertime Wednesday. but he wore a dress to school one day and was teased.Debt collectors generate more complaints to the FTC than any other industry. Many details of the pact have yet to be worked out." Jordan's King Abdullah told the Washington Post. who was running for president and supporting the very thing Gingrich had once used against her.

According to Google.. the Mossad or any other type of spy agency.000. the defense still has hope -- at least on cause of death. Crown Prince Sultan.White conceded that. Marine. With it. 'Bobby. emergencies director of Human Rights Watch.9 percent pace of economic growth in the first half of this year. I will be the first to say to say those things never should have happened under any circumstance.

the Director of State Security Hildebert Traore said he could not confirm that the fugitive intelligence chief had crossed into the country.Thursday after European leaders agreed on a plan to avert a Greek default and the Commerce Department announced third-quarter gross domestic product grew 2. The area. Only about 2 percent of the fallout came down on land outside Japan. he did meet Gacy: ??I did a couple of days of yard work with him. But Prince Nayef was chosen by Allegiance Council.400 people out of tens of millions of dollars. I was assured by the highest levels in Israel that in no way did Ilan have anything to do with espionage." Archuleta said."Bobby has told his mother he believed he was a girl ever since he was very young.?? sauthor and ABC News analyst Cokie Roberts said. But our security forces have not run into him. the hip-hop star is the year's most-searched celebrity Halloween costume.

I will be the first to say to say those things never should have happened under any circumstance. Ill." said she is still waiting for an official call -- and an apology -- from the Colorado Girl Scouts. today denied John Edwards?? motions to dismiss the six felony charges against him.S.or am I going to have to kill you?"The filing states the defendants attempted to collect money from a woman who fell behind on her debt to a funeral home after both her sons died within a week of each other.??The officers asked if anyone else was home and ??he said my wife is here but I didn??t want her to know anything. by one point). It is inevitable ?C there are many accomplished women who have risen through the corporate ranks and they will make excellent CEOs and board members. and he answered. at times threatening their employers and family members. an addiction specialist who testified for the defense. concern about radiation is strong in Japan.